domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

First approach

When you start to make programs, you are a computer fan. It's the most you can do with one of these machines, searching to ways to get problems solved -or sometimes just for entertaining yourself making some weird things you want machines do for you.

So, when i studied Nursing on Universidad of Concepción, a lot of people asked me "why?".

Now i want to use all my knowledge on computer sciences on this area, the Health Area, hoping i can contribute in one way or another for educational matters.

I am not a native english speaker, but i do so because most of communities of programming speak in english.

In this blog i will post codes and commentaries on various languages. Now i am learning Lua (using CODEA, an iPad interpreter). I used to program BASIC and VBasic, so i will post some codes too.

Maybe some spreadsheets... and everything you, as a health professional, can use in your everyday work and teaching.

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